
Dezember 18, 2018 – Version 1.1 submitted

This new version supports the NexStar AUX protocol. Furthermore, I improved the compatibility with NexStar protocol.

March 30, 2018 – Version 1.0.4 submitted

I submitted a minor update to app store that allows to enable logging in the app's settings. The purpose of this feature is to facilitate resolving technical problems concerning the communication between app and Wifi adapter.

Upcoming features (last update: Feb 3)

I am currently working on a new version. The goal of this version is to make it easier for the user to find the right guiding parameters. I also want to tweak guiding performance. Here is what I am planning:

I am always open for ideas and feedback. Just write an e-mail to .

April 2, 2017 – Version 1.0.3 released

There is a new version in the app store.

Feb 3, 2017 – Version 1.0.2 released

Version 1.0.2 is now available. It's an intermediate release containing UI improvements and a bugfix.

Jan 11, 2017 – Version 1.0.1 released

Version 1.0.1 of Agile Autoguider has just been released on the app store. It features a new Wifi protocol as well as several UI improvements.

Dec 12, 2016 – Version 1.0 released

The first version of Agile Autoguider is available on the app store.